Tim Meakin Nottingham: Brexit
04:34Tim Meakin Nottingham on Brexit
Welcome to the Tim Meakin blog. Tim Meakin advises on commercial and regulatory matters relating to the sports, eSports, sponsorship and advertising industries from Toton in Nottingham. On 23 June 2016, 17,410,742 people in the UK voted to leave the European Union. Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty was triggered by Theresa May on 29 March 2017, meaning that the UK will exit the EU on 29 March 2019.

The UK and the EU will have until this exit date to negotiate terms unless transitional arrangements are agreed that enable discussions to continue beyond March 2019. It is important to remember that until the exit date, EU law will continue to apply in this country and there will be no immediate change in the way that people move or trade. Businesses should however start to consider now how Brexit may affect them so that appropriate measures can be put in place well in advance of the exit date. These will be dependent on the sector and the cross-border nature of the business.
The discussions on the terms of the UK's exit began in Brussels on 19 June 2017. Agreement will need to be reached on a number of matters, including the costs that the UK will have to pay the EU on exit; its trading relationship with the EU; immigration and border controls; the proposed regulatory framework; state aid; research and innovation programmes across the EU and UK; and defence and security cooperation.
The Prime Minister has announced that her government will introduce a Great Repeal Bill revoking the European Communities Act 1972, which provides legal authority for EU law to have effect in the UK, and transfer all EU laws currently in force onto the UK statute books. The Bill is expected to be published this summer and will come into operation before the exit date. Learn more about Tim Meakin Nottingham here. Alternatively, you can also follow Tim Meakin Nottingham Facebook page here to learn more about all the exciting updates on the legal industry. You can also read Tim Meakin Nottinham news updates here.
Great post Tim Meakin toton