Sports Injury Claims
Read the latest Tim Meakin from Toton in Nottingham blog. Tim Meakin from Toton in Nottingham has a background in medical disciplinary proceedings in the GMC work, from which background he has developed a practice in sports law disciplinary proceedings. In today's blog, Tim Meakin Nottingham shares about sports injury claims. Let's get started!
Whatever sport you play, there’s always the risk of suffering an injury. Although many sports carry a risk of injury, some carry a much greater risk of serious injuries such as horse riding, skiing, climbing, and motorsports, to name a few of the sports that are more dangerous than others.
Many injuries that happen during sporting activities can be a result of a lack of physical fitness or are genuine accidents, which cannot usually warrant a sports injury compensation claim. If, however, you have come to harm as a result of faulty sports equipment, dangerous premises or facilities, or the deliberate action of another player acting outside the rules of the sport, you may be eligible for compensation.
The most common sports injuries
- Wrist injuries, including fractures, sprains and other injuries
- Dislocations – shoulder dislocations are the most common injury
- Back injuries, including vertebral fractures and slipped discs
- Knee injuries – ligament and tendon knee injuries tend to be the most common
- Ankle injuries – like knee injuries, ligament and tendon injuries tend to be the most common
- Head injuries, including concussion and brain injuries
- Facial injuries, including loss of teeth
- Cuts and bruises. Visit Tim Meakin from Toton in Nottingham website if you need any legal help and representation.